spider victim


This is a Great Prop, use it with The Horror Dome's Giant 3 ' Spider and 6 ' Web or visit our Bodies Shop to purchase a Giant Spider or visit our Full Sized Creatures Shop to purchase a professional Spider Victim

 Materials Needed:

1 - 5 foot Skeleton

Assorted Clothes

Plastic Wrap

Fake Spider Webs or for that special look or make a Spider

 Web Spinner from our props section.


Instructions :

Step 1 - Assemble the Skeleton

Step 2 - Dress the Skeleton

Step 3 - Wrap the Skeleton in the Plastic Wrap and spider Webs (We know what your saying it's so simple........right. Well, it is simple. Your almost done.)

Step 4 - Tie a white rope around the Spider Victims legs and hang him upside down, preferably in The Horror Dome's 6 foot Spider web with The Horror Dome's 3 foot Spider spinning some webs on the Spider victim. (See one prop complements another, The Spider Victim, The 6 foot Web and the 3 foot Spider combined make for one Horrifying Holloween Display. So why are you still here, you have some prop building to do. Go build !)